Abdulrasheed Maina And His Enduring Public Service Legacies

Throughout history, since the human specie, described by legendary greek philosopher, Aristotle, as a social animal began to co-exist on this ephemeral pedestal dubbed ‘Life’, human history is well stocked with inapt accounts of heroes, who were never adorned with a cape, regardless of their good intentions, and humbling achievements which was intended for the greater good of their people.
These good intentioned individuals who are usually never regarded in their home town are like the prophet, who is never honored in their home town, amongst their people, for whom their noble courses are targeted.
In contemporary Nigeria, one of such individuals who have suffered unsubstantiated character assassination and whose national sacrifices have not been duly applauded is erstwhile Chairman Pension Reforms Task Team, PRTT, Abdulrasheed Maina.
The PRTF under Maina, was fundamentally set up to save the pension schemes, including the most troubled Police Pension Fund.
True to it’s worth, the team led by dutiful Maina performed far beyond what he was credited for.
While the weight of unsubstantiated allegations leveled against him had tried to dim the light on his crystal achievements while he served, ngg.ng digs beyond the surface to unearth and likewise, cast a spotlight on some of Mania’s applaud able achievements while he was at the helm of affair in the pension taskforce.
To set records straight, and to project for a balanced and unabashed reporting, Ngg.ng presents Maina’s infallible achievements.
1. The Team Recovered and Saved over N1.63Trn stolen by pension cabal.
Conducted Biometrics authentication for over 270,000 pensioners.
2. Detected / Deleted 71, 135 Ghost Pensioners from the Head of Service Pension Office.
3. Established E-Pension Management System (E-Pms) Platform.
4. Pioneered the Payment of Pensioners in the Diaspora.
5. Introduced Smart Cards to Eliminate Physical Verification of Pensioners.
6. Traced and Cracked Down on over 70,000 Pension Cartel / Mafia and Got to the Root of Pension Scam in the Entire Country.
7. Simplified the Processing Period of Getting Pension Entitlements Down to 24 Hours. Discovered a Total of over 50,000 Unpaid Pensioners (some not paid for 7-30 years) and paid them all their Entitlements.
8. Stopped Monthly Stealing of over N4.25 Bn From the HOS Pension Cut-Off N1 Bn Police Pension Monthly Releases (From N1.59 Bn to N500m).
9. Caused the Arrest and Prosecution of over 43 Pension Suspects.
10. Converted over 128,000 Hard.
11. Stopped the Monthly stealing of N300 million from the Police Pension office Account.
12. Archived Copies of Pensioners’ Files into Electronic Format.
13. Developed the smart card for pensioners’ biometric verification.
14. Detected the Fraud of over N2.7 Bn By Nigeria Union Of Pensioners (NUP).
15. Reduced High Cost of Pension Bill in Nigeria’s Budget.
16. Federal Government factored N74 Billion.
17. Discovered and Saved by the PRTT into the 2012 Budget. Seized Properties and Cash worth over N1.63Trillion.
18. Developed Pensioners Data Base for Budgeting & Efficient Pension Administration.
19. Cut-off the Pensioners’ Verification Annual Expenditure of over N4 Bn, among others.
20. Discovered 77 Government hidden Accounts and forwarded same to the two Anti-graft Agencies which resulted in the recovering of over N1.63 Trillion in both cash and Assets.
21. All these happened in just two of the over 100 pension outfits operating in government Ministries and Parastatals.
22. If Maina had been left to continue his work, who knows how much could have now been recovered. May be Tens of Trillions. Instead MAINA just got persecution, persecution and threat to life.

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