Ghanaian woman, allegedly burning her husband and side chick To death

A Ghanaian woman, Theresa Nkrumah, 54, has been remanded for allegedly burning her husband, Emmanuel Kwame Osam, 55 and his girlfriend, Akosua Tiwaa, 34 to death.

According to Graphic Online, the incident happened at Akyem Gyadam near Oda in the Eastern Region last Thursday and the bodies of the deceased have been deposited in the mortuary.
At the Oda District Magistrates’ court presided over by Mr. Kwesi Apiatse Abaidoo, police prosecutor, Inspector Rosemond Mensah Aryee said that Nkrumah had known her husband was having an affair with Tiwaa.

They had quarrelled about it on several occasions but Osam and Tiwaa’s relationship persisted.
Abaidoo told the court that around 12:05am on December 13, 2018, while Osam and Tiwaa were fast asleep in the former’s family house, fire suddenly engulfed the bedroom through a window after an unidentified person had poured petrol into the room and lit a match to it.

When the lovers tried to escape, the deceased persons detected that the door to the hall had been locked with a red padlock so they started screaming for help.

As their screams attracted people in the house and broke into the room, they realised that the two persons were badly burnt so they rushed them to the Oda Government Hospital.

Tiwaa died immediately she reached the hospital so Osam was treated and was referred to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital for specialist attention the following day.

Osam died around 11pm on December 16, 2018 while on admission at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

The incidence was reported at the Oda Divisional Police Headquarters and Nkrumah was arrested at Gyadam at her stall.

While Osam was being taken to the hospital, he repeatedly said that it was his wife, Nkrumah, who responsible for his ordeal.

Even through Nkrumah in her caution statement to the police had denied knowledge about the crime.

However, police investigations revealed that she had bought the red padlock from a shop at Gyadam in the afternoon before the incident occurred.

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