TF? Pennsylvania woman gets $284billion Electric Bill

What? Pennsylvania woman gets $284billion Electric Bill

A Pennsylvania woman received the shock of her life when she checked her monthly electric bill and discovered she owed a whopping sum $284 billion, a bill that is more than the combined national debts of Hungary and South Africa.
According to the customer, Mary Horomanski, 58, she checked her account statement online earlier this month and saw that she was being billed $284,460,000,000 by Penelec, her electric provider.
She was told she had until November 2018 to pay the entire amount. Her first payment for December
was $28,156.
“My eyes just about popped out of my head,” Erie homeowner Mary Horomanski, told the Erie Times-News. “We had put up Christmas lights and I wondered if we had put them up wrong.”

What? Pennsylvania woman gets $284billion Electric Bill

Horomanski reportedly told her son she had a better idea for a Christmas gift after she saw the $284 billion bill, according to the paper.
“I told him I want a heart monitor,” she said.
But after her son put a call through, Penelec fixed the statement to show that the actual balance was $284.46, the paper reported.
Penelec spokesman Mark Durbin said somehow the decimal point was in the wrong spot.
“I can’t recall ever seeing a bill for billions of dollars,” Durbin told the paper. “We appreciate the customer’s willingness to reach out to us about the mistake.”

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