Third woman accuses George H.W. Bush of groping her while posing for photo

 A third woman has accused former President George H.W. Bush of groping her during a photo-op in Houston three years ago.

Author Christina Baker Kline penned an essay for Slate ,claiming Bush, in his wheelchair, squeezed her butt while her husband stood beside him for the shot.

The alleged groping happened after a luncheon at a private home before attending a fund-raiser for the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy in April 2014 where she was invited as a guest author.

When it came time for Kline and her husband to take a photo with Bush, she recalled how the former president complimented her.
“You’re beautiful,” Bush reportedly said.

“Thank you,” Kline wrote.

Bush whispered to Kline if she wanted to know what's his favorite book, and as she leaned closer to Bush, he put his arm around her back and said “David Cop-a-feel,”
By now the photographer was readying the shot. My husband stood on one side of the wheelchair, and I stood on the other. President Bush put his arm around me, low on my back. His comic timing was impeccable. “David Cop-a-feel,” he said, and squeezed my butt, hard, just as the photographer snapped the photo. Instinctively, I swiped his hand away.

It’s right there in the official photograph. President Bush laughing at his joke (like a mischievous boy, I thought at the time); me, struggling to keep the smile on my face. My husband, David, on the other side of President Bush’s wheelchair, is smiling broadly. He doesn’t know what just happened.

Kline’s claim comes after two other women accused the 93-year-old of the same behavior.
New York actress Jordana Grolnick was the second woman to come forward claiming former President George H.W. Bush touched her backside. She says he also made a 'David Cop-a-Feel' joke when the photo was taken in 2016.

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