Sex slave forced into prostitution with 2 Nigerians inflicted with horrific injuries

 A woman was mutilated by criminals and forced into prostitution after being duped by a man who 'promised her all his love'.

Aid worker Norbert Ceipek from Austria has shared images of the woman and her injuries after opening a centre to help victims of human trafficking in Bulgaria.

He said:
"A young woman, 20, got to know a young man who promises her all his love and takes her to the Netherlands.
"When she arrives, she realises that she has to walk the streets with another Bulgarian and two Nigerians. She does not want to but by beating and other compulsive measures she complies and prostitutes herself eight months."

 Mr Ceipek said:
"During a visit back to their home country both Bulgarians tried to escape from their location, but unfortunately she was caught by him [the pimp] and brought back.
"As the second woman managed to flee, he became so angry that he began to beat the young woman so much and also struck her with objects that she almost died."
 The victim was thrown out of a car in front of a hospital . When the human trafficker was later arrested, he was surprised that he had been caught, and even more so to learn that his victim was alive.

Even though the Bulgarian hospital gave her primary care, the victim had to leave the hospital after five weeks as she did not have health insurance as she was unable to pay for it in those months she was forced to work as a prostitute in The Hague.

The young woman ended up in Mr Ceipek's shelter, and he is now trying to fundraise the costs needed for additional treatment.
Mr Ceipek said: "She desperately needs more surgeries on her face and mouth, skin transplantations and much more. There is no body part which has not been affected."

With a yearly budget of only 30,000 EUR (£26,450), which includes the salaries of employees such as social workers and psychologists, the Austrian pensioner and his NGO unfortunately do not have the funds available to cover these costs.

 Mr Ceipek hopes that by taking the unusual step of sharing the horrific images of the mutilated woman, people will be more aware of the issue and more will be done to help the victims.

Culled from the UK Sun

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