Huh! People pay $27 to watch these Japanese porn stars fart

 A trio of Japanese porn stars are to star in a bizarre new theatre show in which they will fart in front of the audience.
Adult film actresses Reno Aihara, Miu Akemi and Meru Iroha are to launch the programme, called Lets All Hear Beautiful Girls Fart Together, at the Lefkada Theatre in Tokyo.

This won't be new to them as the trio appeared on Japanese channel Paradise TV’s The Fart Program in August, although their performance was described as ‘not skillful’.

According to SoraNews24, the organisers of the show want to ‘bring joy to Japan’s 120million fart fans’ and test the women to ‘the limit of their intestines’.

The show's organisers say there will be ''various styles of farts, such as farts while wearing street clothes, farts while wearing swimsuits, and farts while wearing cosplay outfits will stimulate your sense of sight and smell.”

Tickets cost  3,000 yen (US$27) but show bosses have also warned customers to beware disappointment, stating ‘depending on their physical condition, it may be impossible for them to fart no matter how hard they try’.

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