"I know how much it'd mean to Owen"

Mark McVeigh has expressed his joy on seeing Liverpool's players warm-up in Owen McVeigh Foundation t-shirt.

The Owen McVeigh Foundation was established by Owen's parents Mark and Joanne following their son's tragic death in December 2015, and to raise awareness of its cause.

Owen was an ardent Liverpool fan who followed the team home and away before he passed away at the age of 11, shortly after being diagnosed with leukaemia.

And Mark has no doubt that his son would've loved to have seen his heroes wearing the t-shirt - with one Reds star in particular holding a special place in the McVeigh family's hearts.

"It was just a big sense of pride, really. It was a bit surreal seeing it, especially with all the players with it on," he told said.

"The big one for me was Firmino, because not long before he passed away, about four weeks before Owen passed away, he met him. He sat with him in town and I was looking at the picture that day, seeing him [Firmino] with it on and that, with the understanding that he'd know what it was about, he'd know it was Owen, it was massive."

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