Can It Be Real? Pilot Shocks Many with His On-air Photos...But It's Not What It Seems

A pilot has amassed over 50 thousand followers on Instagram, thanks to his photo-shopped photos and surprisingly, many have fallen for the photos, believing them to be real.
The Pilot 
A Pilot simply identified as Gangso, has been trailed by mixed reactions and criticisms online after his photo-shopped photos emerged on social media and went viral. 
The controversial and shocking photos have been believed to be real by millions of Instagram users online and its has prompted him to put a disclaimer on the images while revealing he had them photo-shopped.
Some commenters online think he is endangering the lives of passengers. One person wrote: 'Why do you act so dangerous? You might risk falling off and endangering all the passengers!'. Another said: 'Wow... did that not scare you?'.
Meanwhile below are more photos and his disclaimer;

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