6 facts to keep yourelf young,strong and disease free even at advanced age. (Get more of health video Tips on Charlian TV)

1. Zap your stress.

"The biggest issue found with patients is that they have too much on their plates and want to juggle it all.
Stress can have significant health consequences, from infertility to higher risks of depression, anxiety, and heart
disease. Find the stress-reduction method that works for you and stick with it."
2. Stop dieting.

"Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to forgo your favorite glass of wine or a piece of chocolate cake now and then. The
key is moderation. Get a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, smart carbs, and fiber."

3. Don't “OD” on calcium.

"Too much absorbed calcium can increase the risk of kidney stones and may even increase the risk of heart disease. If

you're under 50, shoot for 1,000 milligrams per day, while over-50 women should be getting 1,200 milligrams per day mainly

through diet -- about three servings of calcium-rich foods such as milk, salmon, and almonds."
4. Do more than cardio.

"Women need a mix of cardio and resistance or weight-bearing exercise at least three to five times a week to help prevent
osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Exercise also promotes good self-image, which is really important to a woman's mental health."
 e.g Fire Up Your Meals.
.Chewy Foods (lean meats, nuts, whole fruits and vegetables) ...
.Hearty Foods (fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole grains and cereals) ...
.Energizing Foods (coffee, black and green tea, dark chocolate) ...
.Warming Foods (peppers, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, cloves, mustard, vinegar)

or cardiovascular excersices
5. Think about fertility.

"While many women have no problem getting pregnant in their late 30s and even into their early 40s, a woman's fertility

may start to decline as early as 32. So if you want to have kids, talk to your doctor about options, like freezing your eggs.            
6. Appreciate birth control.

"Birth control gets a bad rap, but not only can it keep you from getting pregnant before you're ready, studies show it can
lower the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer as well as regulate your cycle.

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