Rapper Eva Alordiah Confirms Breakup With Her Fiance, Caesar After 16 Long Months Of Engagement

In a lengthy post she shared on her IG page, rapper, Eva Alordiah, this evening confirmed the end of her 15 months engagement to her fiance, Caesar Ume-Ezeoke. Eva and Caesar got engaged in January 2016, a month after they started dating.
Tongues began to wag recently that they have called off their engagement which Eva initially denied but she has now come clean on the true state of their relationship. Read what she wrote below…
Single Again and not quite sure I was ready for the other side. Feels so familiar, this Single life, yet so new.
I have been single for only 1 Day and I already feel 😷
My friends always used to Tease me and tell me I love ‘Love’.
I have finally accepted this is True. I do Love Love. What LEO Woman doesn’t?
#ThatWasAReallyGoodMan and I may be silly to let him go but it’s okay cause now #YouCanHaveHimSisters 👏🏽 My head feels wobbly.

I write a great deal don’t I ?
Maybe this happened so I can find a way to get back in my head and stroke the balls of my sleeping muse.
I want a Cat.
I have had dogs all my Life and they made for best of Friends those years I was Single.
Should I get a Cat?
I feel like If I finally do get a Cat it would be an all black one with Eyes that Gleam in the Darkness.
Darkness: What lies in the wake of a Love never to be felt again.
I want a Cat and I want to Write.
No not Write Rap. Not that.
It would be so wonderful to write a new Novel.
I’d think about this in the coming days and let you know what I decide.
Hey don’t feel sad for me. I let a Good man go, that must be a good thing no?
I want to write a Novel.
I have to write.
I am going to Write.
I need to Write.
I am Writing.
Don’t Ask about me, I have gone to Write.
I AM a Writer, First.
2:22 NEW

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